Monday, April 21, 2008

Nursing Home

Friday evening, after Elena and Ricky arrived home from school, (Brandon had the day off.) we all went to visit my paternal grandmother at the nursing home, except Scott. (He stayed home because he was expecting "The Terminator" to come get rid of our unwanted "house guest" a.k.a squirrels.) She'll turn 85 on the 24th of this month.
After our short visit, I determined, when I become her age, each one of my kids get the pleasure of taking care of me on a rotating weekly basis. Sorry guys!


Gina said...

I am glad to know the Teminator came over...did it work?

Helen said...

Not yet! I just got off the phone with them, to complain, since Scott won't do it. We were under the impression they were going to use a pellet gun to kill them. Instead, they set up two traps. Scott was instructed to check them daily. Well, I want them gone asap!!!!!