Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Heely Accident

I expected this from Brandon waaaaaaaaaaay before Ricky.
Looks proud!

Monday, September 29, 2008

You Tube

Take a look at Brandon's video from a few years back. I plan on uploading one of him of him singing. He can really sing! Then, perhaps some music mogul will discover him and make him a Super Star.

Don't forget to turn up the volume!


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Dinner Time Conversation

Allan LOVES to be read to, which I'm happy about. In fact, he becomes upset if I don't drop what I'm doing to read a book to him. Usually at bedtime, I read about five books. We have been reading about fish. By the way, Libby, I went to our public library yesterday, and to my disappointment, they didn't have any Arthur videos. :( They only had Arthur chapter books.

This evening for dinner we had fish and the conversation went like this.................................

Allan: Mommy, fish live in the water!?

Mom: Yes, they do cuttie bootie.

Allan: (puzzled and holding the fish in is hand) I throw dis fish in the water?

Tag! I'm it!!

Devin over at momshappyhandful tagged me for a meme. She is Gina's sister who has SIX good looking kids. I don't know how she manages. I have four (3.5) kids and it's hectic. Plus, I have an awesome husband to help out.

This meme is to consist of six random things about myself, so here it goes:

  1. My biggest pet peeve is when a driver gets in the right lane and has no intention of turning right. I know it's not a turn only lane, but haven't they heard the saying, "right on red"? Have some courtesy for the drivers turning right!
  2. I will not buy generic Pine-Sol or bleach. There is a difference! (You got that Scott?) Also, I have tried to go green with the Arm and Hammer detergent, and let me tell ya........it makes your clothes smell like mildew! No thanks!!! I'll stick with Gain.
  3. I clean my washer and dryer. I know! I know! I'm crazy!
  4. I shave the hair that grows randomly on my two big toes. Don't tell me you don't!
  5. I met John Michael Montgomery back stage at one of his concerts and asked him for his shirt.
  6. I buy some of my clothes at Wal-Mart while I'm grocery shopping. I have received complements on a couple of the graphic shirts that I have purchased there from random young people.

Now, I don't have six blogger friends, but I have four I can tag.

  1. daddysourhero
  2. supermomjen
  3. watsongang
  4. laurabelle
Libby you should so get a blog! You could start it off with this meme. I would love to read what you have to say, especially about Ashlyn and Bailey. What do ya say?

Here are the rules for the meme:

  1. Link to the person who tagged you.
  2. Post the rules on the blog.
  3. Write six random things about yourself
  4. Tag six people @ the end of your post.
  5. Let each person know they have been tagged.
  6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

Hope you discovered something new about me.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Rodeo Ricky

Ricky is growing up and participating in his passion for rodeo roping. (A sport I don't particularly care for.) As long as he is sitting on his horse, I'm supportive of his decision and happy to watch. However, last night Scott, Allan, Elena, my parents and I went to watch him and he rode a steer! Something I'm sure Ricky thought was way cool. I, on the other hand, as his mother, do not want him engaging in that particular dangerous activity that could result in serious injuries. Why would one deliberately volunteer to get thrown off an animal that weighs more than them?! CRAZY!!!! Aside from that event, he did well, and we are glad he invited us.

Elena's New Room

My sister-in-law, Jennifer, gave Elena the Princess lettering when she was six. I just repainted them. Yep, I did the rest.

The mirror that originally went with the dresser was broken during the "re doing" transition. Also, my other sister-in-law, Amie, gave Elena the Princess deco, a few years ago for Christmas. The soccer Build-A-Bear was a gift from my parents. All the others were also gifts.

Allan is intrigued with the lamp. He even woke Elena up one morning at 6:30, which she was not happy about, so he could look at it.

Haven't decided what or if I should put anything above the head board.

Note: I'm not done with the boys room. I'm waiting for their bedding to come in.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

See the smile on his face!

As soon as Allan heard the words Golden Chick, and before he would get in the car, he asked for a quarter. He didn't care about dinner, he just wanted a prized "junk" egg. Twenty five cents later, he was the proud owner of a dime sized patriotic star eraser, which I'm sure will end up in the garbage.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Bike Riding

On the way to my house, this past weekend, my parents stopped at a yard sale because they spotted this bike for Allan. (Thanks Mom and Dad!) Mom "Jewed" the poor guy to $4.00! Go, Mom! Well, since then, Allan will come home from school and the first thing out of his mouth is, as my Dad predicted, "I wanna go outside and ride my bike!" It use to be he wanted a snack.

Ricky and Allan
Riding with the handle bars the wrong direction.

Riding down the driveway.

Unable to ride his bike up the drive way, so he just drags it.

Camera Update

After shopping online at Amazon and Wal-Mart and physically looking at Office Depot and again at Wal-Mart (my second home), I finally made an in store purchase at Wal-Mart. Too many options!!!

I'm already pleased with the pics, but annoyed I have to learn a new gadget. My friends know I am not an electronic person. My VCR, (Stop laughing! Yes, I still have one of those!) still flashes 12:00. If it weren't for Scott and my older kids, I wouldn't be able to operate the DVD player. When Allan wants to watch his beloved Arthur he say, "You dunno how to do it, Mommy?!"

Glad to be back in picture taking business!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

I'm too old to be...............

Falling off the bed! (I hope you have stopped laughing by now GINA!!) Yep, I fell off Tuesday night and hit my head on the night stand. It's still sensitive. No kidding! (Mom says I should get checked out.) My shoulder is bruised. My knee is banged up and so is my "kankle" from hitting my oscillating fan. Scott syndrome?

I woke Scott up from his deep sleep with the "big bang." He came to my aid not knowing what had happened saying, "Wo Wo Wo Wo.!" I guess, something he was taught way back when he went to EMS school......................Yeah, I had already landed!

Elena had a delayed response. Her bedroom is down the hall from mine. She came to check on what was going on...............................TEN minutes later, asking if someone was banging on Allan's bedroom door.

VB Tourney

This weekend Elena and the Jackson Eagles participated in a tournament. And my girl has SKILLS!!! (Which were not inherited from her biological parents.) She served 14 times in a row overhand and made 14 pts!

Of course, everyone in the stands knew who her parents were. Scott and I are her biggest fans. We even have Allan chanting, "Go Eagles!" & "Go Lena!"

The Eagles placed 3rd.

Note: Still no camera! :(

Sunday, September 14, 2008


I have plenty to blog about but the camera Scott gave my for Christmas several years ago DIED!!! I'm so sad! This is a MUST have. However, I don't have a clue on how to buy a new one. I went on a quest to buy one, but there were so many options. I was overwhelmed! I came home empty handed. Anyone have any suggestions?

Aside, from that. I finished Elena's room. It looks awesome! She wants this bedding at Target. I'm on the fence about it. It's $80. bucks! I really don't want to spend the cash on it. I'm sure I may end up purchasing it cause I just want to be done with it.

I tried to start painting the boys room today, but that was unsuccessful. Allan and I were the only two home this morning. I thought I could start and complete this task today. WRONG!!! He asked me about 50 times if I was painting. To throw him for a loop I finally said, "No!" He said, "Yes, you are." UHHHHHHH!!!! Then why are you asking?!

Ricky had his first junior high theft. He went to the bathroom while he was in gym class and thought it would be o.k. to leave his locker momentarily unlocked. WRONG!! He hates that I've reminded him 500 times (now, 501) this is not elementary school. He's going to have to be more responsible.

Anyway, when he came out of the restroom, his pants were thrown across the floor, a shoe was not near the other, his shirt was thrown above the locker and his watch was missing. I asked, "Did you learn anything from this incident?" I guess to irritate me he said, "What do you mean?" OMG!!!!!! BOYS!!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Today was picture day for Allan


What to watch?

Hmmmmmmmmmm...............................CMT? Oprah? OPRAH!!!! Yesterday, was the season premiere and she had the Olympic competitors on her show. Michael Phelps was on! Next to People magazine, she's up there as priority.

Now, I can't wait for the premiere Desperate Housewives.

Gone Country

Since last Thursday, I have been redecorating my kids room. Elena, Ricky & Brandon wanted to trade rooms, which translates to disastrous tornado!

After the country theme Ricky and Bran decided on three years ago, and hunting for a boot clock, a western lamp shade, denim curtains, spur book ends, a lasso, a sheriffs badge, a Texas rug, chaps among other items, it's all put away in a box to go up in the attic.

Then the fun began of removing wallpaper. It TOTALLY kicked hiney!!! When I put it on, I intended for it to never come off. I will NEVER wallpaper again! Elena said it was a phase when I was wallpaper happy.

I didn't tell Scott of my plans. (My Mom says that's the way to do it.)He came home and said, "You are your mother's daughter!" Every time you go to my parents home the furniture is rearranged. OMG!! I'm turning in to my MOTHER!!! That means the fires will soon start!!!!

My Dad is afraid of fires. Once my Mother wanted new living room furniture so she set the furniture on fire while my Dad was at work. Outcome: She got new furniture! Now, she gets whatever, whenever.

This really is wallpaper made to look like a fence. I was asked all the time if it was the real deal.

Took me a while to find this.

My handy son disassembling the bed and Elena helping.

This really is a Kodak moment.

I didn't ask Scott for help because I had Ricky. He's an 11 yr old trapped in an adult body. I don't know where he learned how to be a handy man.

NOTE: I haven't finished the transformation but be assured I will post pics when I am finished with my project(s).

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

She's in!

Elena made da volleyball team!

Kites R 4 Girls

As a child, I remember flying kites with my family. I thought they were fun, yet scary. I had this crazy notion I was going to be lifted in the sky as I was flying them.

Today, I bought Allan a fish kite and asked Scott to help me assemble and fly it. He said, "I don't know how to do that. Kites are for girls!" As you can see, I got him to embrace his inner child.............reluctantly.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

Friday, Scott and I spent the day together and went to lunch at Benihana's without KIDS!!!! It was so awesome to enjoy each other and have a conversation with out interruption. The food is always delicious too.

As soon as the kids were dismissed and released from school, we set out to the lake house. Yes, we did stop at Dairy Queen. By the way, the price of the burritos I love so much went up on price. They are now priced at $2.39 instead of $1.19. Scott says I can just buy them from the Swan's man. I surprised Brandon and bought him Heely's a few weeks ago. Heely's are a new fad. They have wheels on the heels. I knew he would be elated to have them and he was. Then he discovered the wheels where missing.:( He had to wait to wear them until I was able to return them with ones with wheels.

Allan found a generic pair that his cousin left at the lake house, and he held on to the counter for safety. Which by the way, after Brandon wore his, I thought perhaps I shouldn't have purchased them. He's not the most coordinated boy. He's had his share on falls with and without them.

Elena and Brandon spent most of their time at the Marina fishing, something they don't get to do in the big city. They didn't catch anything worth keeping. Brandon did manage to get stung by a yellow jacket. You guys know that incident didn't go without drama. He didn't get any sympathy though...................he's TEN!!! God love him!

View from the house. The boat dock and the Marina are about 1/8 of a mile.

I asked Allan to stop playing so I could take a pic of him. He, on his own, went and found this lone sunflower stem to stand next to, down the hill the house is located from. Jack then ran up the hill and Jack fell down. He didn't break his crown, but he did land in an ant pile. He's a tough boy! He didn't cry because of the bites, but he cried for a split second because of the dirt on his face. As soon as I dust him off, he was fine. He makes his mommy proud! (Bran should take lessons from his two year old baby brother.)
Oh, and yes, Allan loves to wear his undies only!