Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Baseball Practice

After, a couple of seasons of standing on the sidelines watching his siblings in the spot light, Ricky finally met the criteria of his Momma's rules to be eligible to participate in the sport of his choice. (I knew he had it in him.) Baseball practice officially started tonight. I'm sure he was freezing his rear end while Elena, Allan and I sat in the car and watched. Allan was cheering him on from the warmth of our car, yelling, "Go Kicky!"

Monday, February 25, 2008

Visiting my Grandparents by: Allan

Friday afternoon, after my Mommy and Daddy arrived from work and picked me up from Nonna's (Mrs. Rhonda's), we headed out to Papa and Mama's Lakehouse. Lena (Elena) and Ban (Brandon) went too. Kicky (Ricky) had weekend visitation with his Dad. Of course, on our way we had to stop at Dairy Queen so Mommy could have two burritos. We do this everytime. This time she allowed me to eat my ice cream in the car. I think so I would stop yelling. (It works, too!) It's only fair, Lena and Ban get to eat theirs in the car all the time.
I was so excited about going. I kept yelling, "Papa" repeatedly, until we arrived. First thing, I did when I got there is go straight to the hutch to check out the canny (candy). They move it, but they had some.
Saturday, Papa took me side (outside). I followed him like a little puppy dog. I yelled at him "Don't! No!" and even blocked the front door when he tried to go inside. I wasn't happy about that. Mama and Papa got to witness my attitude.
Later, Papa took me to the firestation. They were having a pancake dinner. All the blue haired ladies tried to touch and coo all over me. I wouldn't have it. I clung to my Mama like glue.
I got to see the fire trucks. They go "beep, beep!" I came home and told my parents all about it.
I played outside with Lena and Ban. They let me play with them occasionally. I even got to ride Papa's scooter.

Lena and Ban left their skateboards in the house. I tried to ride like they do. I just haven't figured out how they do it. It doesn't seem to work out for me, so I just decide to get on my knees and ride it. Ban even tried to show me.
When it was bath time, Mama let us use the jacuzzi. It was cool! We had a ton of bubbles!! I didn't want to get out.

I'll have to wait until Spring sports are finished to go back. Dang Lena has to play ball (soccer) and Ban and Kicky have to play bayball (baseball).
I forgot to mention, I yanked my Mommy's necklace that my Daddy bought for her last Christmas and broke it. Good thing my Grandparents were there or I would have gotten a pankin (spanking).

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


It's Elena's ritual to call me at work, after school. She calls to update me on her day. Today she called to inform me her school bus driver hit another school bus. She thought it was so hilarious and "cool." Luckily, no one was injured. Thank goodness!!

Allan Pretends to Read

Before bedtime, everynight, I have the t.v. on while I read People magazine (My favorite mag!). Allan is always next to me with his pile of books. He thinks he can read. For the past month, he's been fascinated with this book of penguins and shapes. He always flips to his favorite page................it's one which has penguins sitting at a table having a birthday party. You should hear him. He becomes so excited and repeats "Cupcake! Cupcake!" He even pretends the birthday cake is real and tries to blow out the candles.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Take your kids to work day

Problem: For President's Day, Brandon officially had the day off. Elena, on the other hand, woke up too ill to go to school.

Solution: Hang out with Mom at work!!!

They love to come to work with me. They think it's cool. They, also, think my boss is a "rock star." (Really, she's a ob/gyn.) They can watch music videos, play video games or watch dvd's. It's like being at home. Plus, there is lunch! Today, it was Olive Garden.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Uncle David

My three boys stayed with their Uncle David and Aunt Amie for a couple of hours today. (Elena went to a ice skating/slummber party. She's a social butterfly.) When Scott and I returned to pick up the boys, Uncle David was a little frazzled.

While we were gone, it was time for Allan's nap. He was screaming and crying for his Mommy. Then, Allan had a nose bleed, and it freaked out Uncle David. Allan bled on their $25. Target pillow. While Uncle David tried to comfort Allan, he "christened" him. Now, the wallet my brother had in his front pocket smells like urine. That too was ruined.

My brother and my sister-in-law don't have any children. David said he has a new rule, my kids can't stay unless they are ten or older. That means Allan has eight more years to go!

I do appreciate the favor, but I couldn't help but laugh, while David was updating me. I don't know how he's going to manage when he finally has children.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Belated Valentine's Day

Yesterday, I stayed home to care for and comfort Allan. He wasn't feeling well. His sitter called me, about 25 mins after I dropped him off, stating he had a temp of 102. Poor thing had a loss of appetite and slept all day. He even turned down Sprite, which is a big deal since that's a treat at my home.

Allan was screened for the flu and tested negative at the pediatricians office, yesterday. He was diagnosed with a viral infection. His fever spiked last night to 104. As you can imagine, Scott and I didn't sleep well. Thankfully, I beleive, he has recovered today. He running around and his tempature was normal around noon.

Elena stayed home from school today. She came home from school with a 101 temp, yesterday, too. The doctor had the pleasure of seeing my face again. She, also, tested negative for flu and strep. She has a viral infection, as well.

Needless to say, my Valentine's Day was less than romantic. My thoughtful husband, planned on making me a steak dinner. His plans were out the window, as he was and still is ill. (I married a man with no immune system!)

Finally, this evening I got to have the dinner I had been waiting on since yesterday, with my family. It was awesome! I'm sure it wasn't as tasty to my sick loved ones, but I enjoyed it. Thanks Scott! You are the best!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Elena's Valentine

Elena's Valentine was her "bonus" Dad, Scott. (He has been for the past eight years.) He is so good to her. He's an AWESOME Dad! He always ensures he makes her feel special (and not just on Valentine's Day). That's his girl!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My Cousin

Today, my beautiful cousin, Amber, (who will turn 27 on Friday) deploys for her second tour in Iraq. She is a 1st Lt. in the Marines. I called her this morning @ 8 A.M. central time, which was 6 A.M. California time. Yeah, I interrupted her beauty sleep. (I'm sure it's probably her last day of peaceful sleep, until she returns.) She said, "Did you forget about the time difference?" I hadn't, but I figured she would be up running around. I didn't keep her long. I just wanted to call her before she left to tell her I was thinking about her and would be praying for her safe return.

I admire her bravery and I'm very proud of her. I hope all of you who read my blog will add her, as well as all the other troops, to your prayer list. They are all sacrificing a great deal for us.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Monkey see, Monkey do

Look at these cute boys looking innocent. That's my shy, reserved baby, and my hyperactive, never meets a stranger, nephew. He was over visiting with his Mom, Jennifer.

Now, look what happens when you allow them to play without supervision. Yep, Allan, you guys are busted!!

(Note: Allan does own shorts and pants. However, if Dad changes him, the bottoms don't go back on. I'm grateful the diaper gets changed, though.)

Type A

For those of you that know me, you know I'm Type A. (I inherited this characteristic from my mother. Thanks Mom!!) I like things orderly and neat. I'm also, a germaphobe. I have, however, improved greatly from what I used to be. With four children and a husband, it's impossible to maintain my phobia. I decided I needed to let go (a little) for my sanity. (I'm sure me family appreciates it.)

This morning, while I was cleaning house, I asked my two year old, Allan, to take his shoes to his room. It seems this Type A cycle has been passes on to him too. His shoes were in a line. What have I created?

Not only were his shoes in order, but after I finished vaccuming, I went to check on him. He was helping Mommy. He was wiping clean the fridge and the stove.

Someday, he'll make his future wife proud! Sorry, Dayden and Mattie, per Scott, Latina's only.

Papa & Mama

Friday evening, my in-laws came over. They were able to visit with Allan for a short while. (Elena, Ricky and Brandon were gone for the weekend.) It's always a treat to see them, since we only see them a handful of times a year.
Allan loves his Papa. (He loves you too, Mama.) First thing he says is, "Papa, side (outside)." Off they go.

As Papa and Mama were getting ready to leave, Papa teased Allan with leaving with them. He thought Allan wouldn't go. Allan went and put on his water shoes, jacket and got his backpack. He really thought he was going. Maybe, next time?!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


My kids are always listening to their MP4's, watching music videos or movies, and playing video games. (Don't get me wrong. When the weather is nice out, I do force them to go out and play.) When I sent Ricky up to the attic to put away and bring down a few decorative seasonal items, he came down with a toy. Brandon had received this gift for Christmas when he was two. It was still in the attic new in the box. Seven years later, the log set was opened. I was happy to see they could still be entertained by non electronics.

Monday, February 4, 2008


I took my kids and a few of their friends to the drive-in movie theater, on Friday night. My kids enjoyed the movie and I enjoyed the food from the concession stand. Going to the drive in reminds me of the times my parents would take me and my siblings. However, when they took us we watched peliqulas (Spanish movies). I had no idea what the movies where about, but I have great memories of it. The one English movie I do remember seeing was when my Aunt Olivia and Uncle Bill took me in their El Comino to watch Hanky Panky. I don't recall what the movie consisted of, but it sounds like it was probably an R rating.