I've been harping on Scott since I met him to be a better God parent because I had such crappy ones. I remember meeting my God mother once and I wouldn't be able to pick her out from a line up today. I don't recall ever meeting my God Father at all. And these people were supposed to be responsible for my well being if something tragic happened to my parents?! My mom said my Dad was drunk when he selected them. Thanks Dad!!!
About Justin and the graduation, he graduated from Ferris where I graduated from. I graduated with a class of 70 students 15 years ago. (Gosh, I'm getting old!) In his graduation class there were 120 students. (Twenty not included in that total didn't pass the TAKS test or there would have been 140.)
Ferris is really growing! Scott said the graduating class was about 90% Hispanic. Back in the day, it was 33% Hispanic, 33% Black and 33% white. Give or take with the remaining 1%. I thought other ethnicity's where only in the movies cause they didn't exist where I was from. Well, with the exception of the Chinese dude that owned the Get N Go. He later moved to his home county when he was robbed and beaten.
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